The last half of 2021 has witnessed a resurgence in economic activities in the US due to several monetary and fiscal stimulus and increased consumer spending. However, the supply chain challenges, rising price pressure, and lingering virus concerns have increased inflation. Several pundits predict that 2022 may present several disruptions which may interfere with your …
Business Continuity Awareness – Why It’s Important
As a business owner, you need the assurance that your business will continue to operate smoothly despite the unexpected. This is where business continuity planning comes in. A well-developed business continuity plan can help you minimize the effects of a disruption to your business operations and improve your organization’s resilience. However, for your continuity plan …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #128: A conversation with Steve Raffe of StarLeaf
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser is joined by Steve Raffe, Vice President of Strategy & Global Alliances at UK-based StarLeaf to discuss the lessons learned for organizations throughout the pandemic, how work has changed as a result of these lessons, the challenges that business continuity …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #128: A conversation with Steve Raffe of StarLeafRead More
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #: 125 – What is resilience?
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser discusses what is resilience? The concept seems straightforward in a personal context; building up the psychological fortitude to bounce back from all of life’s bumps and bruises. But what exactly does it mean for a business to be “resilient”? We …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #: 125 – What is resilience?Read More
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #124: Business Continuity Standards – Which is right for you?
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser discusses Business Continuity standards and how they can help you improve your business continuity and resiliency program. Topics discussed include the ISO 22301 Standard for Organizational Resilience, NFPA 1600, and the ASIS Business Continuity & Crisis Management Standard. Related Episode …
What is Resilience?
Is it just me, or is “resilience” the new buzzword? The concept seems straightforward in a personal context; building up the psychological fortitude to bounce back from all of life’s bumps and bruises. But what exactly does it mean for a business to be “resilient”? We hear a lot of business leaders and highly trained …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast Episode #123: Plan Do Check Act and your BC Program
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser discusses the Plan Do Check Act Cycle in your Business Continuity Program. Topics discussed include the Plan Do Check Act Cycle, how the PDCA Cycle connects to the ISO 22301 Standard (and others), and how you can use the PDCA …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast Episode #123: Plan Do Check Act and your BC ProgramRead More
Business Continuity Standards: How each can help you
No matter how much business experience you have or how long you’ve studied risk and resilience in your businesses, creating a business continuity program can seem daunting. But internationally recognized guidelines exist to help you build the right program for your organization’s unique situation. This article provides you with all the essentials you need to …
Business Continuity Standards: How each can help youRead More