Is it just me, or is “resilience” the new buzzword? The concept seems straightforward in a personal context; building up the psychological fortitude to bounce back from all of life’s bumps and bruises. But what exactly does it mean for a business to be “resilient”? We hear a lot of business leaders and highly trained …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode # 118 – Plan Your Ransomware Attack Response Now
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser discusses one of the biggest threats facing businesses today: ransomware. Bryan discusses steps you can take to manage and survive ransomware attacks and crisis situations that can have deadly serious consequences to your organization’s operations, continuity, and reputation. Related Episodes …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode # 118 – Plan Your Ransomware Attack Response NowRead More
Insider Threat Webinar: The Threat Lurking inside your Organization
Businesses today are challenged by individuals and state actors who seek to steal or misuse their intellectual property. In some cases, state actors spend decades working themselves into a position of trust inside an organization in order to exfiltrate your most important intellectual property. The risk posed by the insider threat is significant. In this …
Insider Threat Webinar: The Threat Lurking inside your OrganizationRead More
Major Data Breaches from 2016 – 2018
There are almost daily news reports about some company, either large or small, that just discovered a data breach. Millions of consumers are informed their personal information may have been hacked. The companies who suffer from the loss of the stolen data often pay huge fines and millions of dollars to repair the breach. In addition, their …