In this presentation, Bryghtpath LLC Principal Consultant & CEO Bryan Strawser talks about how to turn an incident into an opportunity for your business by effectively managing the incident or crisis you are faced with in your organization. Topics discussed include crisis management, incident management, crisis communications, crisis leadership, business continuity, and organizational effectiveness. Key …
Why Your Company Needs Strong Workplace Violence Policies
When organizations put together their internal policies and plans, it’s easy to overlook workplace violence. It’s certainly a concerning thought, but it isn’t something your particular organization really needs to worry about. After all, you’d rather spend time educating and training your employees on something that adds a little more value. Unfortunately, this train of …
Why Your Company Needs Strong Workplace Violence PoliciesRead More
A look at the new ISO 22317 Standard for Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
In September 2015, ISO finalized and published their second standard for business continuity: ISO 22317:2015 – Guidelines for Business Impact Analysis (BIA). In the life cycle of your business, leveraging a systematic business continuity process can mean the difference between a safety net and disaster. ISO 22317 analyzes from within Getting to the heart of business …
A look at the new ISO 22317 Standard for Business Impact Analysis (BIA)Read More
The Zika Virus: 8 Steps a Business Should Take Today
The Zika virus has garnered international news in recent weeks for a potential link between microcephaly and Zika. As the virus continues to spread by the Aedes mosquito through the Caribbean and Latin and South America, businesses are starting to take steps to protect their operations. A recent article, “Zika Virus Increases Concerns About Employee …
The Zika Virus: 8 Steps a Business Should Take TodayRead More
Rethinking Business Continuity: Applying ISO 22301 to improve resiliency, manage risk, and drive profitability in your organization
In this presentation, Bryghtpath LLC Principal Consultant & CEO Bryan Strawser discusses how to use the ISO 22301 Standard for Organizational Resilience (Business Continuity) to improve resiliency, manage risk, and drive profitability in your organization. Topics discussed include emergency management, crisis management, crisis communications, project management, program management, business continuity, crisis leadership, and how to prepare your …
Thoughts on the Paris Attacks
In 2010, I attended a conference in Paris led by Interpol, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the French National Police on the topic of “Terrorism and the Radicalization of Youth.” The fear then was that US and EU citizens would become radicalized through internet propaganda by groups like Al-Qaeda or AQAP. Some …
Globalization: Becoming a Global Business Continuity Leader
In this presentation, Bryghtpath LLC Principal Consultant & CEO Bryan Strawser discusses how to address the growing challenge of leading as a global business continuity leader using this premise: Your quiet domestic company has suddenly gone global overnight. A new strategy has launched an international subsidiary while a new acquisition was just announced in Asia. Now …
Globalization: Becoming a Global Business Continuity LeaderRead More
Presentation: A Program Management Approach for Business Continuity Management
In this presentation, Bryghtpath LLC Principal Consultant & CEO Bryan Strawser discusses how to use the principles of Program Management to take a different approach to business continuity strategies. Business Continuity programs often grow organically within an organization based on need – or a single incident – rather than being planned and managed as a program …
Presentation: A Program Management Approach for Business Continuity ManagementRead More