As a woman who has spent nearly her entire career in the field of Business Continuity – and now as a Business Continuity Consultant – I’ve always been interested in how few women have risen to executive positions in business continuity and related fields. A couple of studies around Women in Business Continuity Management (BCM) …
Why failing to validate your business impact analysis results is a huge mistake
You may have missed our Managing Uncertainty Podcast episode from December 26th on To BIA or Not to BIA, where my colleagues discuss the trend of not completing a Business Impact Analysis (BIA). This was a follow-up podcast to a previous episode of Managing Uncertainty that discussed the Traditional BIA. Both podcasts are great and really …
Why failing to validate your business impact analysis results is a huge mistakeRead More
An overview of the NFPA 1600 Standard
Published in pamphlet, handbook, and eBook editions by the National Fire Protection Association, NFPA 1600’s full title is “Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity/Continuity of Operations Programs, 2016 Edition.” Anyone working in or having overall responsibilities for an emergency management standard in their organization should be familiar with NFPA 1600. It is a comprehensive, yet …
Presentation: Leading in an Active Shooter Situation – BCPA July 2017
Yesterday, Bryghtpath Principal & CEO Bryan Strawser, along with Senior Consultant Jennifer Otremba, presented at the monthly meeting of the Business Continuity Planners Association (BCPA) in Edina, Minnesota. We described the presentation as: Orlando, San Bernardino, Toronto, the Washington Navy Yard. Active shooter incidents are at the top of every senior executive’s list of threats …
Presentation: Leading in an Active Shooter Situation – BCPA July 2017Read More
8 Things to Consider When Choosing a Business Continuity Consultant
You need a business continuity plan. We’ve previously talked about all the best reasons to invest in business continuity–one of which may be that your industry is subject to government oversight, which has dire implications of unpleasant sanctions should disaster strike. (See this Gartner compendium of laws influencing business continuity and disaster recovery planning.) Besides compliance, …
8 Things to Consider When Choosing a Business Continuity ConsultantRead More
6 times business continuity and disaster recovery plans mattered
When you are faced with a disaster that impacts your business, it is already too late to worry about whether your disaster recovery plan is sufficient. Weather, extended power outages and security breaches in your computer systems can be devastating. Here are some companies that had a business continuity plan in place and how they overcame their …
6 times business continuity and disaster recovery plans matteredRead More
Why social media and communications should be a part of any exercise
In pretty much every situation that you are preparing for, there will is a strong likelihood that there will be a publicity moment – and not the good kind. This is especially true of incidents that are reputational in nature (rather than a physical disaster type of incident). Whether your communications and social media team …
Why social media and communications should be a part of any exerciseRead More
Decision Making in Times of Crisis
Its Friday at 4 pm and you get the call. Something bad, perhaps really bad, just happened. You are in charge – so now what? Take a deep breath, and follow these tips to lead during a crisis: Gather all of the information: The facts are important – and often will trickle in over time. …