In this presentation, Bryghtpath LLC Principal Consultant & CEO Bryan Strawser discusses how to use the ISO 22301 Standard for Organizational Resilience (Business Continuity) to improve resiliency, manage risk, and drive profitability in your organization. Topics discussed include emergency management, crisis management, crisis communications, project management, program management, business continuity, crisis leadership, and how to prepare your …
Thoughts on the Paris Attacks
In 2010, I attended a conference in Paris led by Interpol, the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and the French National Police on the topic of “Terrorism and the Radicalization of Youth.” The fear then was that US and EU citizens would become radicalized through internet propaganda by groups like Al-Qaeda or AQAP. Some …
Globalization: Becoming a Global Business Continuity Leader
In this presentation, Bryghtpath LLC Principal Consultant & CEO Bryan Strawser discusses how to address the growing challenge of leading as a global business continuity leader using this premise: Your quiet domestic company has suddenly gone global overnight. A new strategy has launched an international subsidiary while a new acquisition was just announced in Asia. Now …
Globalization: Becoming a Global Business Continuity LeaderRead More
Presentation: A Program Management Approach for Business Continuity Management
In this presentation, Bryghtpath LLC Principal Consultant & CEO Bryan Strawser discusses how to use the principles of Program Management to take a different approach to business continuity strategies. Business Continuity programs often grow organically within an organization based on need – or a single incident – rather than being planned and managed as a program …
Presentation: A Program Management Approach for Business Continuity ManagementRead More
Journal Article: When a drip becomes a flood
In 2013, Target Corporation, the world’s fourth largest general merchandise retailer, suffered an extensive unanticipated long-term disruption to one of its headquarters buildings in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The cause? A leak in the water line for an ice machine. In a December 2014 journal article in the Journal of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, Bryghtpath CEO …
Public/Private Partnerships – An overview
The concept of public/private partnerships has been all the rage in emergency management, crisis management, and business continuity circles for the past several years. But what does that really mean for the crisis management / business continuity professional and the business that you support? Earlier this decade, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) began talking …
Resilient Communities Need Public/Private Partnerships to Survive
On October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy came ashore in New Jersey (USA) as a strong, slow moving Category I hurricane. At the time, the author was the Head of Global Crisis Management & Business Continuity for one of the world’s largest retailers. In Sandy’s path that day lay more than 200 of our stores, multiple …
Resilient Communities Need Public/Private Partnerships to SurviveRead More