As we head into the second half of 2023, there are several business continuity trends that organizations should be aware of. From increased ransomware attacks to geopolitical instability, it’s important to prepare for these potential challenges to ensure your business can continue to operate in the face of adversity. In this article, we’ll discuss the …
How to Conduct a Business Impact Analysis
Imagine a significant disruption, such as a cyberattack, a natural disaster, or a pandemic, hit your business. How would you cope with losing data, customers, revenue, or reputation? How would you recover your operations and resume your normal activities? How would you prevent or minimize the impact of such events in the future? These are …
Shifting your Disaster Recovery Strategy to the Cloud
In our fast-paced, digitally-driven world, the importance of robust disaster recovery strategies cannot be overstated. An unforeseen disruption, like a data breach or a natural disaster, can severely impact an organization’s operations, reputation, and bottom line. As such, it’s crucial to have an effective plan in place to recover and resume business as quickly as …
Shifting your Disaster Recovery Strategy to the CloudRead More
Choosing the Right Crisis Leader
In April 2017, the internet exploded with the viral video of a passenger being dragged from United Express Flight 3411 by security and law enforcement officers in Chicago after refusing to exit the aircraft after the flight had been overbooked. The aftermath of this incident resulted in a significant reputational crisis for United Airlines. The …
Help! My Business Continuity Program is Stuck!
I’m not known for giving advice with an extra helping of sugar- just ask my family. So when clients come to us for help because their business continuity program is stuck, my answer is usually one of three things. Your business continuity program is misaligned with your business’s objectives Business continuity is just one of …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #183: Resilience should be at the top of your board’s agenda
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser discusses why resilience should be at the top of your board’s agenda and how resilience professionals can best prepare their board for what’s next.
Business Continuity Planning in Healthcare
To quote Warren Buffet, “it takes 20 years to build a reputation and only 5 seconds to destroy it.” It’s a truth the people at Common Spirit, one of the largest nonprofit health systems in the U.S., will likely soon be attesting to. They were the target of a recent ransomware incident that brought their …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #174: Resetting your Business Continuity Program for 2023
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal and Chief Executive Bryan Strawser and Bray Wheeler, Senior Consultant, discuss how to reset your business continuity program for the challenges of 2023. Topics discussed include our take on the challenges of 2023, expense reductions, the economy, the positioning of your program, alignment against your organization’s strategic objectives, …