Few things are as frightening in the work environment as an incident involving workplace violence. Incidents ranging from disgruntled employees to armed robberies to fatal incidents can have long-lasting impacts on employees, customers, and your organization’s reputation. At Bryghtpath, we’re often asked to give examples of recent notable workplace violence incidents as a part of …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #103: The newly revised ASIS workplace violence & active assailant standard
In this episode of Managing Uncertainty, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser discusses the new ASIS/ANSI Workplace Violence and Active Assailant – Prevention, Intervention, and Response Standard. The newly revised and expanded standard provides an overview of policies, processes, and protocols that organizations can adopt to help identify, assess, respond to, and mitigate threatening or intimidating …
Bryghtpath Live: The newly revised ASIS workplace violence prevention standard
In this episode of Bryghtpath Live, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser discusses the new ASIS/ANSI Workplace Violence and Active Assailant – Prevention, Intervention, and Response Standard. The newly revised and expanded standard provides an overview of policies, processes, and protocols that organizations can adopt to help identify, assess, respond to, and mitigate threatening …
Bryghtpath Live: The newly revised ASIS workplace violence prevention standardRead More
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #101: Managing High-Risk Terminations
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser reviews steps that organizations should consider when managing high-risk terminations. Topics discussed include threat assessment, threat incident risk factors, threat severity levels, understanding what high-risk terminations look like, managing reductions in force, and the steps organizations should take in high-risk …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #101: Managing High-Risk TerminationsRead More
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #100: But they are weird!
It’s our one-hundredth episode! In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser, we discuss a common employee comment about someone in the workplace they may find threatening, which is “But, they are weird!”. How can we evolve our assessment behind simply reporting that someone is “weird” and focus …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #100: But they are weird!Read More
9 significant workplace violence incidents from 2019
According to the National Safety Council, the fourth leading cause of deaths at work is from assaults. In 2017, there were 18,400 workplace violence incidents involving assault. Of those, 458 people died. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) defines workplace violence as “any threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior” …
9 significant workplace violence incidents from 2019Read More
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #77: Helping employees recognize signs of potential workplace violence
An OSHA report from 2018 notes that nearly two million US workers were the victim of workplace violence in recent years. A similar study from 2014 from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics pointed out that in 2014, 409 individuals were fatally injured in work-related violent attacks that year. Workplace violence was the third leading …
New Webinar: Shots Fired – Leading in an Active Shooter Incident
Active shooter incidents are at the top of every senior executive’s list of threats across the United States. Much effort and attention have been paid to this issue, yet the vast number of organizations are not prepared for when an active shooter incident strikes their organization. In this active shooter webinar presentation, Bryghtpath Principal & …
New Webinar: Shots Fired – Leading in an Active Shooter IncidentRead More