“The Continuity Code: Mastering Business Resilience” is an insightful exploration into business continuity and resilience.
This book provides a comprehensive guide, enabling organizations to withstand disruptions and flourish in their aftermath. Drawing from decades of crisis management and business continuity expertise, the authors offer a wellspring of knowledge and strategic insights.
Readers will gain an understanding of the core principles of business continuity, the critical role of a Business Impact Analysis (BIA), and strategies for fostering a resilient organizational culture. The book goes beyond theoretical concepts, offering actionable strategies for enhancing executive engagement, championing business continuity programs, and overcoming the silos that hinder seamless continuity and risk management.
Each chapter offers a pathway to superior business resilience, incorporating real-world examples and proven methodologies. This journey from understanding the basics to mastering the art and science of business continuity is transformative, fostering a forward-thinking mindset that equips leaders and organizations to anticipate and adeptly manage potential crises and associated risks.
Delving into the book reveals a treasure trove of knowledge and practical tools, forming the foundation for any organization’s business continuity and resilience endeavors.
Publication Formats: PDF, ePub (suitable for Kindle, etc)
Coaching Package
This package includes the following:
- The Continuity Code: Mastering Business Resilience ebook (PDF & ePub Formats)
- Bryghtpath’s Business Continuity Plan Templates
- Business Continuity Plan Template (Microsoft Word)
- Business Impact Analysis Template (Microsoft Excel)
- 1 hour with Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser for coaching on your business continuity program, challenges, and maturity via Zoom.