The recent active shooter events in Orlando, San Bernardino, Paris, Munich and beyond have provided some important lessons for every human being. If we learn from these lessons and respond in a proactive manner, those hundreds of lives will not have been lost completely in vain. Those who work in enclosed facilities can draw especially …
Immediate actions to take when confronted with a corporate PR crisis
Corporate PR crisis have become more common in the age of the internet. A company with what seems to be a minor problem can find themselves buried in bad news by on their Twitter feeds or Facebook pages. No business or industry is free from the potential of a PR crisis; whether a bad meal …
Immediate actions to take when confronted with a corporate PR crisisRead More
The war is here, and it really doesn’t care if you want to be a part of it…
Many yesterday asked what the world was coming to, in the aftermath of a terrorist attack in Nice, France that has claimed the lives of more than 80 people… And while many here in the United States are shocked, this is what most of the world has experienced over the last twenty years: an increasingly volatile …
The war is here, and it really doesn’t care if you want to be a part of it…Read More
Personal Preparedness: Steps You can Take Today to Improve the Safety of Your Family When Disaster Strikes
If disaster were to strike right now, would your family be prepared? Disaster can happen at any time and at any place. Flooding is the most common natural disaster in the United States, and floods claim more lives in the U.S. than tornados, hurricanes or lightening. Flash floods are the most dangerous type of floods, …
Protect Your Employees and Your Business with an Active Shooter Plan
Business survival requires the ability to remain proactive in response to market opportunities and threats. Unfortunately, personal survival in the workplace may necessitate similar tactics. While many companies train staff members on the latest selling techniques or computer models, few take the necessary time to prepare their employees to survive a workplace active shooting incident. …
Protect Your Employees and Your Business with an Active Shooter PlanRead More
Bryghtpath CEO on ‘Masters of Disaster Podcast’
Bryghtpath CEO Bryan Strawser appeared on the Masters of Disaster Podcast on April 25th, 2016 where he discussed the most important thing to know in crisis management – How your executives will work together, make strategic decisions, and communicate clearly during a crisis. Without a clear communication and decision making framework, detailed plans for specific …
Minimizing the Threat of Violence when Planning a Reduction in Force
Reducing your workforce through a series of layoffs is never easy. Laid off employees and their families suffer. The employees that remain become frightened for their own prospects and upset for their former colleagues. Managers scramble to figure out how to hit their targets with a reduced staff. Something that often gets lost throughout the …
Minimizing the Threat of Violence when Planning a Reduction in ForceRead More
The Basics of Crisis Communications
Communication in a crisis is tough, emotions run high, accurate information can be hard to find and everyone wants to know everything immediately. When a crisis occurs the event itself is the first crisis to manage but the second is the communication around the event. Mishandling communication with the public extends the life of the …