The 2017 hurricane season brought attention to a glaringly obvious fact: businesses, communities, and individuals in the United States need to do more to prepare themselves for these types of catastrophic disasters. The effects of the natural disasters that struck the country in 2017 were devastating. According to The Washington Post, the hurricanes that rocked …
Managing Uncertainty – Episode #31: Aftermath
Following a difficult, traumatic, or violent incident, there are a lot of challenges to work through. But when planning and thinking through how to handle these situations, we often focus almost wholly on the response and tend to ignore the short and long-term recovery challenges. In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & …
Managing Uncertainty – Episode #30: School Threat Management
We don’t do politics on our podcast, but given last week’s tragedy in Florida, we thought it would be worthwhile to talk about school threat management. In particular, the threat management environment in a K-12 school is quite different than what we typically encounter in a business or university environment. In this episode of the …
Managing Uncertainty – Episode #30: School Threat ManagementRead More
Managing Uncertainty – Episode #27: Super Bowl 52
Super Bowl 52 will be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, just down the road from our offices in Shoreview, on Sunday, February 4th, 2018. It will be on one of the largest events hosted in Minnesota in decades. In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & CEO Bryan Strawser and Senior Consultant Jennifer Otremba talk through our experiences with …
What is Crisis Management?
Product recalls, corporate rumor mills, threats of extortion. Crises, they happen every single day. You cannot prevent all of these situations, but you can plan for their inevitable occurrence. Through proper crisis management, your organization can stand tall even in the worst possible scenario. The task is daunting, near to overwhelming. For most corporations, it …
An Introduction to Crisis Management
Your company likely means everything to you. If you’re like most people, you would do almost anything to make sure it’s safe. That starts with a great plan for how you’re going to deal with a crisis, should one ever arise. Unfortunately, most companies will have to deal with disaster at some point in their …
Making Decisions in the Midst of a Crisis
It doesn’t matter what type of industry you’re talking about – the fact that you will one day find yourself in the middle of a crisis is not a question of “if,” but “when.” If you’re the type of person who thinks that you can never plan, prepare, and strategize enough to ward off any …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast: Episode #23 – Crisis Management is not a Pickup Game
As the 2017 Hurricane season has wrapped up, we’ve spoken with several clients and prospects who call asking about building crisis management plans for the next round of hurricanes in 2018. We always steer the conversation back to “Plans are great, but a framework is the real starting point so that no matter the threat …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast: Episode #23 – Crisis Management is not a Pickup GameRead More