Run. Hide. Fight. These words may not seem like much of a battle plan when it comes to dealing with the threat of an active shooter incident in your business. However, they define the fundamentals of responding to an active shooter, and if your employees and managers do not understand them, fatalities during an incident …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast: Episode #5 – Leading during an Active Shooter Incident
In this episode, Bryghtpath Principal & CEO Bryan Strawser, along with Senior Consultant Jenn Otremba and consultant Lindsay Bradford, discuss leading through an active shooter incident. Together, Bryan, Jenn, and Lindsay led through a major active shooter incident at a Fortune 30 corporation that turned out to be a false alarm after nearly four hours of …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast: Episode #5 – Leading during an Active Shooter IncidentRead More
Managing Uncertainty Podcast: Episode #4 – The Crisis Team
In this episode, Bryghtpath Principal & CEO Bryan Strawser, along with Senior Consultant Jen Otremba, discuss the makeup of a corporate crisis management team and how important selecting the right talent and skills can be to the overall success of your program. Topics covered include forming a corporate crisis management team, emotional intelligence, procuring the right …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast: Episode #4 – The Crisis TeamRead More
Managing Uncertainty Podcast: Episode #3 – Major Events
Bryghtpath Principal & CEO Bryan Strawser, along with Senior Consultant Jen Otremba, talk about planning for major events for private sector companies, such as internal events (board meetings, company meetings) and external events (Super Bowl, NCAA Final Four, political conventions). Topics covered include coordination with public sector agencies, obtaining access to intelligence information that may …
Managing Uncertainty Podcast: Episode #3 – Major EventsRead More
10 Ways An Effective Crisis Manager Survives a Crisis
An organization crisis could be defined as something that involves one or more of the following events: creates a negative impact on the financial condition of the organization; threatens to disrupt or even eliminate product lines; poses as a health risk to employees, consumers or the environment and compromises or obliterates the organization’s reputation. Another …
10 Ways An Effective Crisis Manager Survives a CrisisRead More
Reacting to a crisis: What your frontline managers need to know
A crisis can come to your company’s doorstep in countless ways. From a data security breach, to workplace violence, to a plain old public relations (PR) disaster, your frontline managers should be prepared to respond to a wide range of incidents with a clear head, and a mind for how to secure your employees, your assets, …
Reacting to a crisis: What your frontline managers need to knowRead More
6 Tips to Make Enterprise-Wide Active Shooter Training Successful
Conducting active shooter training across your organization is not a small task, especially if your company extends across large geographic areas. Rather than leaving your employees to fend for themselves with PowerPoint presentations exclusively on workplace violence and active shooter planning, consider using these tips to make enterprise-wide training successful. 1. Use workshops to highlight …
6 Tips to Make Enterprise-Wide Active Shooter Training SuccessfulRead More
What the CEO needs to understand about planning for a crisis
In today’s rapidly viral and digital world a CEO’s quote taken out of context can immediately become a corporate crisis. Unfortunately, these turbulent times can strike in varying degrees at any time. The causes of corporate crises can vary greatly, however, there are a few small steps that a CEO can and should take to …
What the CEO needs to understand about planning for a crisisRead More