Does your organization take business continuity and crisis management seriously? Are you getting the resources you need to run these programs well? If not, my best advice to you starts with a question: “What are you doing to build a culture of resilience within your organization?” Fostering a culture of resilience is arguably one of …
How to create an effective business continuity awareness campaign in your organization
In most organizations, the only times a business leader and their team learn about business continuity & crisis management is when the time comes to update their business impact analysis and associated plans – or when an incident or crisis occurs. It’s not a great way to drive business continuity awareness. This is a huge …
How to create an effective business continuity awareness campaign in your organizationRead More
7 Business Continuity Exercise Scenarios That You Need to Prepare For
According to research, about 25% of businesses fail to recover after disasters. If they lack a recovery plan, it becomes hard to cope with the repercussions. That’s why your business needs an ideal business continuity plan (BCP). In this article, we discuss how to test your BCP plan using several different business continuity exercise scenarios. …
7 Business Continuity Exercise Scenarios That You Need to Prepare ForRead More
What’s the Value of Business Continuity: Beyond ROI
Selling your business continuity program to your internal stakeholders is a lot like telling your kid to eat her veggies while yours are neatly swept onto the rim of your plate or otherwise smothered in ranch and cheese. You know they’re good for you, but how do you convince your kid that all those vitamins, …
What’s the Value of Business Continuity: Beyond ROIRead More
Tips for creating an effective business continuity plan
You are ready to begin writing an effective business continuity plan (BCP) for your organization and its critical functions. You have followed our advice on how to communicate your business continuity program to senior executives. You know that business continuity planning is a process that begins with a thorough business impact analysis (BIA). You’ll also …
Tips for creating an effective business continuity planRead More
Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #146: Which Business Continuity Professional Certification is Right for you?
In this episode of the Managing Uncertainty Podcast, Bryghtpath Principal & Chief Executive Bryan Strawser talks about how to choose the right business continuity certification. Topics discussed include the need for business continuity professional certification, offerings from the Business Continuity Institute (BCI), offerings from the Disaster Recovery Institute International (DRI or DRII), and how to …
Starting a Business Continuity Program
“Good is the enemy of great. And that is one of the key reasons why we have so little that becomes great.” -Jim Collins In his book, aptly named “Good to Great,” Collins uses this principle to explain why so many, from schools, government, and businesses, to individual people—squander their potential and stay stuck in …
How to talk with your CEO about business continuity
You are a true believer and an expert in business continuity planning. Within your authority and job description limits, you have brought your organization up to a minimal level of business continuity compliance. Your IT is backed up off-site, and your disaster recovery plan looks good on paper, but how do you talk to your …
How to talk with your CEO about business continuityRead More