Can you believe we’ve reached our 200th episode?
To celebrate, we’re taking you on a journey through the unique stories of each Bryghtpath team member – from the paths that led them to the company to their childhood dreams. You won’t want to miss these fun and insightful tales that reveal the people behind Bryghtpath’s success.
In addition to getting to know our team, we dive deep into the world of business continuity and crisis management. We discuss how the pandemic has changed our work and explore the challenges organizations face in building resilience programs.
Listen in as we share tips and strategies for conducting successful crisis exercises and aligning resilience programs with organizational objectives.
Lastly, we touch on the value of bringing in an outside consultant to help improve a business continuity and crisis management program. Our team shares their insights on how to approach creating a BC plan and the importance of making the program accessible and usable for all involved. As a special treat, we also have a lively discussion on our favorite barbecue side dishes.
So grab your favorite BBQ side and join the celebration with us in this milestone episode!