Your organization may recently have realized you needed a resilience program – or perhaps you have some elements of a program in place today, but you need to add additional components like crisis management, business continuity, disaster recovery, or crisis communications.
You may have recently had an eye-opening incident – like a data breach, a regional natural disaster, a reputational crisis, or even lessons learned from the COVID-19 global pandemic.
We can help you understand exactly where your program stands through our proprietary Resiliency Diagnosis process, even if your company doesn’t currently have a program.
Then, we can help you craft a resilience program that fits your organization or add strategies and components that your existing program is missing.
If you’re looking for a managed services partner, we can help you with Business Continuity as a Service and our other capabilities.
Resiliency Diagnosis: Evaluate your program and capabilities
In the event of a significant disruption to your organization, how will your company respond?
No one enjoys thinking about crisis management, business continuity, disaster recovery, or reputation management.
But this much is certain: your business will face unexpected disruptions.
Understanding how your program and capabilities stack up is the first step to being able to mature your program – even if you don’t have a formal business continuity & crisis management program today.
Our Resiliency Diagnosis process is the perfect way to advance your business continuity, crisis management, and/or disaster recovery program.
Our thorough standards-based review culminates in a full report, maturity model scoring, and clear recommendations for improvement.
You’ll know exactly where you stand and how to go about rapidly improving your current state of resiliency.
Build initial program capabilities
When building out a new resilience program, once you have a solid understanding of your current capabilities (even without a formal program in place), it’s time to start building out your initial program capabilities.
While this varies depending on what your specific resilience needs are, often we’re looking at building some of the following components:
- Emergency Procedures
- Emergency procedures guide/flipchart for front-line managers to execute in the critical moment.
- These can be built as a custom product, or often our Crisis Playbook products fit the bill.
- Crisis Management Framework & Plan
- Develop a Crisis Management Framework & plan, including templates, checklists, meeting agendas, communication templates, and other necessary documentation
- Assist in standing up a new Crisis Management Team (CMT)
- Train the new Crisis Management Team to the framework & plan
- Conduct an initial tabletop exercise to build confidence and muscle memory in the new process
- Business Continuity Program
- Develop programmatic documentation such as a business continuity and/or crisis management policy, operational framework, and plan template
- Facilitate development of business continuity plans for all identified critical functions in the organization
- Document the follow-on program lifecycle for future years
- Share BIA data with Information Technology to align technology capabilities as necessary
- Rapid Response / Crisis Communications Messaging
- Develop rapid response crisis communications capability aligned with crisis management framework for reputational issues
- Develop templated messaging and holding statements for identified risks
There are other strategies of course that you could build out in your initial capabilities, such as a third-party/vendor resilience strategy, a workplace violence prevention & threat management strategy, or an active shooter/assailant plan & training approach, but it will depend on what your organization needs.
Add to an existing program
When an organization is just getting started with a resilience program, often we see that the organization has some major components of a program in place, and they’re looking for help in adding capabilities to further build out that program.
It might be that you have built a crisis management capability, but now you’re ready to look further into business continuity planning, training, and exercises.
It could be that you have a solid crisis management & business continuity program in place, but a recent reputational challenge has caught you flat-footed. It’s time to look at building up a crisis communications capability for your organization.
Here are some common areas where we’re approached by prospective clients in this situation:
- Build & add a new major capability to an existing program, such as building out program elements for business continuity, crisis management, or crisis communications.
- Augment a current program by helping to advance your strategies, such as a crisis exercise strategy, a facilitated crisis tabletop or simulation exercise, outsourcing your awareness strategy, developing emergency procedures, or designing & implementing a Global Security Operations Center.
There are many other areas where expert advice and counsel from our organization can assist you as you seek to add to an existing program. See our full list of capabilities, the results we’ve delivered for our other clients, and then contact us to discuss your specific needs.
1:1 Coaching
Not sure how to advance your resilience program?
Your business continuity, crisis management, and/or crisis communications program is stuck.
You feel like you’re spinning around and around on a hamster wheel. You and your team, if you have one, are working harder than ever before but the program seems to not be advancing.
Year over year, you’re facing the same problems over and over again.
You know you need to make changes but you’re paralyzed by uncertainty on what to do next.
You’ve tried to educate yourself about how to move your program out of this rut. You’ve read all the books, listened to all the podcasts, caught up with all of the journals. You’ve watched webinars and probably have read a small mountain of material – but you’ve not been able to figure out how to apply any of this to your program.
Imagine knowing exactly what to do next.
Our 1:1 Coaching may be just what you need.
Premium Training Courses
Our premium courses are intended to provide a deep perspective into a specific subject matter in a way that helps leaders at any level be able to make an immediate, significant impact in their area of responsibility.
Our courses capitalize on the decides of expertise of the Bryghtpath team of experts. Our team has both deep subject matter expertise and practical experience around the globe with the topics we teach in our courses.
Relevant Articles
When you’re just getting started with a resilience program, such as a crisis management and/or business continuity program, there’s a lot to think about strategically.
Here we’ve selected several recent articles that might serve as a great starting point as you think about solutions and strategies for your program.
In addition, you may want to consider reviewing our Ultimate Guide to Business Continuity and/or our Ultimate Guide to Crisis Management, where we’ve presented the best of our strategic thoughts in those two domains with links to more in-depth resources and articles.
Ready-made, battle-tested Crisis Management & Communication Plans
We offer ready-made, battle-tested crisis & communications plans, crisis management plan templates, awareness campaigns, and more under our brand Crisis Playbook.
The plans & tools from Crisis Playbook were designed and built by the experts at Bryghtpath. They’re designed to help you jumpstart or enhance your program quickly, particularly if you do not have the budget for an extensive consulting engagement.
Crisis plans and other resources from Crisis Playbook come with support from our experienced crisis and communications experts, for any critical moment, such as a natural disaster, violent attack, or a reputational campaign
Exercise in a Box: Automate your Exercise Strategy
In our experience, business teams that practice crisis, disruption, and business continuity scenarios respond faster and recover more quickly than teams that do not.
Managing crisis & continuity exercises for hundreds of business units worldwide is a tall order. That’s why we’ve developed a set of crisis & continuity exercises that can be executed by a business leader in an hour or less – and don’t require expert facilitation from a crisis management or business continuity team.
Our Exercise in a Box scenarios and materials were written by the battle-tested experts in crisis management, business continuity, and crisis communications at Bryghtpath.
Managing Uncertainty Podcast
Our Managing Uncertainty Podcast discusses crisis management, business continuity, and crisis communication.
Each week, our experts dive into topics ranging from how to drive personal preparedness within your organization to manage the unthinkable event inside of your organization. Our focus is on providing you with strategics, tactics, and resources around preparing for, responding to, and recovering from all sorts of disruptions and critical moments.
Will you be ready to lead through your company’s critical moment?
Listen to the Managing Uncertainty Podcast >>
We’ve carefully curated this collection of episodes that you may find valuable on this step of your organization’s resilience journey.

Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #124: Business Continuity Standards – Which is right for you?

Managing Uncertainty Podcast – Episode #136: How coaching can help your business continuity and crisis management program
Learn about our full set of capabilities
Bryghtpath is well positioned to guide and assist your organization as you embark on your resilience journey.
We can help.
Let the experts at Bryghtpath put their decades of experience to work for your organization
Our team has the experience, tools, and partnerships to help your organization successfully navigate the rough waters ahead – and ensure your organization is prepared.